Monday, November 29, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Robin is dead

We had to go ahead and put Robin to sleep a couple of weeks ago. The spinal damage from Valley Fever was so extensive that I couldnt keep her comfortable even with combined steroids and pain killers. We did it at home because she had become so scared of going to the vet, and burined her up by the garage.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
AlterNet: 3 Lies Big Food Wants You to Believe and the Truth Behind Factory-'Farmed' Meat by
3 Lies Big Food Wants You to Believe and the Truth Behind Factory-'Farmed' Meat
Most of the meat Americans consume is from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, which are horrific for animals and terrible for our health and our communities.
AlterNet: 8 Nasty Conservative Lies About the Democrats and Obama That Must Be Debunked Before the Election by
This is important!!!
8 Nasty Conservative Lies About the Democrats and Obama That Must Be Debunked Before the Election
The public has been misled on a ton of issues like tax cuts, the deficit, the economy, and the cost of health care.
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Robin has Valley Fever too

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Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Robin is very ill
The vet thinks the Valley Fever may have already gotten into her spine, as she is very sore from neck all the way back to hips, and she is showing many neurological signs as well. She staggers and wobbles when she walks, she cant put her head down, and she doesnt seem to have a lot of feeling in her feet. They also just slide out from under her when she tries to sit or lie down. It is pitiful.
ANyway, the vet gave me a referral to a veterinary neurologist and said she needs a CT-scan to really figure whether it is Valley Fever or some other spinal problem.
I dont see what difference it makes WHAT is causing it if the treatment is the same.
Rest, pain drugs, valley fever meds, prednisone.
See how it goes.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Bloglines - Are We Really Going to Eat Genetically Modified Salmon?
THis has got to be stopped!
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Friday, September 10, 2010
Bloglines - 7 Steps To Eliminating Joint Pain
Words to the wise.
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Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Judge Bans Gentically-Modified Beets
Hello, I saw this on Care2 and thought you'd like it as well. Care2 is the largest and most trusted information and action site for people who care to make a difference in their lives and the world.
sent you a link to content of interest
The Wastefulness of Decluttering; or How to Make Less Count for More
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This man is so smart
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Saturday, August 14, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
sent you a link to content of interest
The importance of enjoying the habit
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Always intelligent advice
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Saturday, August 07, 2010
Bloglines - How to Use Fiber to Improve Your Health
More things to keep in mind
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Bloglines - Simplify Your Health & Fitness Habits
Words to the wise
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Wednesday, August 04, 2010
The sender also included this note:
As always, words to the wise
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Springfield Closed Back
Sunday, August 01, 2010
So what approach to take?
That translates to trying to control me, everything I do or say, even super control of the already very obedient dogs.
For instance, when I got home last night, I gathered up my stuff and went to the back of the car to get the cat food and stuff I had bought. The neighbor was there, and Dh was there, so I figured they could carry the stuff down the hill. Dh slammed the car hatch and very harshly said he would get the stuff later. Of course, in the course of the evening he went up the hill several times and never did get the stuff, so I eventually had to go get it myself in the dark.. That of course made him even madder. At me of course, not at himself for acting like an ass in the first place.
Then when I was trying to get ready for bed, since I had to get up at 4 AM, I asked him if I could turn off the light in the hall and in his bathroom so I could go to sleep. Big mistake; he had to yell about how I wasnt going to control everything that goes on. He slammed around for at least another hour and kept all the lights on whether he was in the bathroom and hall or not, just to spite me I guess.
I had already taken my sleeping pill, so did eventually go to sleep. But it was only able to give me 2 solid hours before the leftover adrenalin fought its way back to the top and woke me up for the rest of the night. And I am now having to work a 12 hour shift on 2 hours sleep.
And then fight again when I get home I'm sure. Exhausts me even more just thinking about it. I dont know what to do.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Another rattlesnake
Killed another rattlesnake last night, at dusk. That is the fifth one in 10 days. This one was crossing the open ground between the shed and one of the chicken yards. A bigger one than we have been seeing too. Scary. Sam heads for the house as soon as you say "SNAKE", but dumb Robin just doesn't get it. The only thing to do with her is scoop her up and keep her out of the way until it is killed.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Rattlesnakes everywhere
Layout of postage stamp
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Bloglines - Test your knowledge of cosmetics safety: 8 myths debunked
more about cosmetics
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Bloglines - A personal response to the President's Cancer Panel Report
Scary stuff
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Saturday, July 24, 2010
sent you a link to content of interest
How to be Insanely Productive and Still Keep Smiling
The sender also included this note:
Another great column
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Its a Start!

set fruit yet. My chinese pole beans, 2 of them, are trying to grow on the right but not tall enough to tie to the trellis yet by any means.
The trellis is the wrought iron from an old security door we had found here on the property and should work very well. When I take out the logs and fill up the other side of the tank with dirt, I will just leave the trellis in place and the dirt on both sides will hold it up. Good plan.
Yesterday I transplanted some sweet basil seedlings to the center front and ensalada tomato seedling in the center middle. I have cut off clear plastic bottle/jars over them to keep the humidity up around them and protect them from the worst of the excess sun. They are doing well so far, and since I gave up on the other peat pots ever sprouting anything, I noticed this morning that seeds have sprouted in both the patio pot tomatos and the early girl. So those will be moved up to the stock tank garden in a few days.
I also ordered several different kinds of heirloom tomato seeds from Seed to plant, so I should have lots of tomato plants by the time it cools enough for them to set fruit. Cant wait. Iwant to can and can tomatoes in jars so that I never have to use canned tomatoes with the Bisphenol-A lining again.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Bloglines - Why You Should Cancel Your Cable
Threw away the whole darn thing in 1989. Maybe a few people are finally beginning to figure out why.
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Sunday, July 18, 2010
Bloglines - Tips And Tricks For Food Satisfaction
Food for Thought, haha
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