Sunday, August 02, 2009

Feast or Famine

Of course, since I decided to go to school, signed up, and paid for the Fall semester, a possible job has cropped up again, at Banner Estrella. My friend gave my resume to her boss and talked me up, and I have been invited to apply for an ED registration position. That job is what I did for 6.5 years ending in 2000, and is what I trained my friend for long long ago. It will be at least a week before the boss can do anything about interviewing me as she has a major project in the works, but at least I have hope again.
I would still go to school this semester, as my classes are all Tuesd and Thursd afternoons, but if I could count on 2 shifts a week after training, I would earn more than I earn working ALL week at PetSmart. And it would get me in line for a full-time position. I could still go to Gateway for the certificate in the spring if I still want to be an HUC, or I could stay in the ER with the health core curriculum classes from Estrella to my credit. Either is a good scenario. Now to be nervous and anxious for at least another week. until I hear or don't hear from my friend's boss.

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